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  • Volume 114, Issue 05 (May 2024)

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    Needle in a haystack: Finding reliable representation amidst market transformation

    There are many options available to doctors looking to sell their practice, and it's never been more important to choose the right one. Here's how.
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    Science & Tech

    Beyond pocket depth: Bacteria, periodontitis, and total body health

    By raising awareness of the oral-systemic connection, dental professionals can help patients improve their overall well-being.

    JUST a dentist?

    Chief Editor Dr. Pamela Maragliano-Muniz shares her thoughts on the May 2024 issue of Dental Economics.
    99279173 © Godruma | Dreamstime.com

    Bridging the gap: 5 key strategies for integrating oral and systemic health

    As dental professionals, we must seize the unique opportunity to reshape the paradigm by helping others recognize the mouth as the gateway to overall wellness. Here are five strategies...

    More content from Volume 114, Issue 05 (May 2024)

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    Dental practice marketing: Keeping it HIPAA-compliant

    May 17, 2024
    Have you considered how HIPAA applies to your digital marketing and website? The HHS guidelines issued in December 2022 cannot be overlooked by dental practices.
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    Human Resources

    The NLRB’s Stericycle ruling may impact you

    The National Labor Relations Board made a major ruling in 2023 affecting all businesses. Understanding the ruling may prevent future liability.
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    Dental Service Organizations

    IDSO partnership: The specific benefits for dentists

    Why do many dentists become part of an invisible DSO? Here are some of the advantages they've discovered as part of a large group of practices.
    Science & Tech

    Best methods to educate patients

    Dr. Gordon Christensen says the best way to increase practice activity is by providing excellent patient education. He explains how to train your team to educate patients and ...
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    The New Rules of Finance

    Stemming from a life-threatening situation with their son, these doctors developed The New Rules of Finance. Here they show you how you can arrange your financial life differently...
    francescoch / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
    Science & Tech

    A holistic approach: The road to becoming a biological dentist

    May 11, 2024
    This dentist explains how she transitioned into biological dentistry, the benefits it has for her patients and team, and some of the protocols she has implemented to support her...
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    Overhead and Profitability

    The fee-for-service practice: Create the practice YOU want to work in

    Do not create your practice to be like every other dentist's practice. You must design one that works for you and your team, and success will follow.
    Science & Tech

    Pearls for Your Practice: Vivera retainers by Align Technology, Evanesce by Clinician’s Choice, and Structur 2 SC by Voco

    In this month’s Pearls for Your Practice, Dr. Joshua Austin reviews a retainer retention system, a nanohybrid composite, and a bis-acryl GMA material.

    Higher production and long-awaited stability: The 2024 DE/Levin Group Annual Practice Survey

    The results of the 18th annual DE/Levin Group Annual Practice Survey were quite positive this year! Dr. Levin breaks down the stats.
    Photo 41853245 © Iodrakon | Dreamstime.com

    What DSOs don’t tell you about: What to do with all that money

    May 8, 2024
    When you leave negotiations with a DSO, you’re likely to also leave with a whole lot of money. But getting a large payout can turn into a problem very quickly, so your next steps...
    exdez/DigitalVisionVectors/Getty Images
    Oral Medicine, Anesthetics, and the Oral/Systemic Connection

    Practical ways to implement oral-systemic wellness protocols in your daily practice

    Getting the team on board with the oral-systemic message will lead to a clear message for patients. Here's why they need to know the connection.
    293390759 Tarikvision | Dreamstime.com
    Science & Tech

    OraQ AI: Organic growth for the dental office

    "It would be amazing if dentists had the time to search their records for all the treatment needs of every patient." Now, you can.
    Photo 20261241 © Zmkstudio | Dreamstime.com
    Science & Tech

    Incidence and prevention of white spot lesions during removable orthodontic treatment: A systematic literature review

    May 7, 2024
    Removable orthodontic treatment causes an increase in white spot lesions, but by implementing good oral hygiene practices, their incidence can be mitigated. Learn more in this...
    Azam Ishaq / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images

    Adopting a new standard: How dental warranties can shape the future of oral health care

    May 2, 2024
    Adopt a new standard in dental care with procedure warranties. Find out how this simple concept can dramatically benefit your patients and your practice.