STAGE-1? single-stage implant system

Dec. 1, 1999
Lifecore Biomedical, Inc. announces its entry into the single-stage implant arena with the launch of its STAGE-1? Single Stage Implant System.

Lifecore Biomedical, Inc. announces its entry into the single-stage implant arena with the launch of its STAGE-1? Single Stage Implant System.

The STAGE-1? implant system offers implant placement in one surgical procedure, eliminating the need for a second surgery; simple restorative procedures, which closely resemble traditional crown-and-bridge procedures; smooth emergence flare/contour of implant collar; natural, esthetic restorative outcomes; a strong/reliable prosthetic connection that virtually eliminates the chances of fracture or screw loosening; micro-gap (connection) above the bone level, eliminating bacterial leakage concerns and sub-crestal micro-movement.

For details, call Lifecore at (800) 752-2663.

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