CavityShield™ sodium fluoride varnish

Sept. 1, 2000
The new CavityShield™ Varnish is said to be the only unit-dosed 5% sodium-fluoride varnish available to the profession. It provides the proven performance of fluoride varnishes. Premeasured dosages assure consistent fluoride levels with each application. CavityShield™ is available in two dosage strengths (.25 ml and .40 ml) for patient safety. Color-coded applicator brushes are included to help dental professionals quickly identify dosage strengths. Accessible "mixing wells" allow mixi

The new CavityShield™ Varnish is said to be the only unit-dosed 5% sodium-fluoride varnish available to the profession. It provides the proven performance of fluoride varnishes. Premeasured dosages assure consistent fluoride levels with each application. CavityShield™ is available in two dosage strengths (.25 ml and .40 ml) for patient safety. Color-coded applicator brushes are included to help dental professionals quickly identify dosage strengths. Accessible "mixing wells" allow mixing of fluoride varnish prior to application.

For more information or to place an order, contact your Omnii preventive-care specialist at (800) 445-3386.

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