Full-service laboratory

March 1, 1997
Precision Ceramics Dental Laboratory is a full-service laboratory that has been serving dental offices across the country since 1981. The emergence and rapid growth of managed care has dramatically changed the dental industry. The alternative approach developed by Precision Ceramics begins with a full product line of quality prosthetics at competitive prices. It involves a close teamwork relationship between the dental office and lab personnel. For details, call (800) 223-6322. A free, introdu

Precision Ceramics Dental Laboratory is a full-service laboratory that has been serving dental offices across the country since 1981. The emergence and rapid growth of managed care has dramatically changed the dental industry. The alternative approach developed by Precision Ceramics begins with a full product line of quality prosthetics at competitive prices. It involves a close teamwork relationship between the dental office and lab personnel. For details, call (800) 223-6322. A free, introductory video titled "Building Smiles Through Cosmetic Dentistry" is available upon request.


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