ESPE introduces specially priced and convenient Pentamix Starter Packs for all ESPE Penta-Delivered Precision Polyether and Polyvinyl Siloxane Impression Materials: Impregum® Penta, Permadyne® Penta, Dimension® Penta Quick, and Dimension® Penta.
Each Pentamix Starter Pack contains one polybag set -base/catalyst (366 ml), one Penta cartridge, and 25 Penta mixing tips. The heavy/light-body materials such as Permadyne® Penta, Dimension® Penta Quick and Dimension® Penta also include two cartridges (48 ml) - Light Body Wash and 10 Garant Mixing Tips for use with any automix gun system. The Impregum Penta Starter Pack contains one Penta elastomer syringe set.
For additional information, contact an authorized ESPE distributor or ESPE customer service at (800) 344-8235.