Rembrandt XTRA-Comfort™

March 1, 1999
Tooth sensitivity during or after a professional tooth-bleaching procedure reportedly occurs in as many as 52 percent of patients. In response to this problem, Den-Mat Corporation has introduced Rembrandt XTRA-Comfort™, a bleaching-gel formula that helps eliminate the sensitivity that can come with many professionally dispensed bleaching kits.

Tooth sensitivity during or after a professional tooth-bleaching procedure reportedly occurs in as many as 52 percent of patients. In response to this problem, Den-Mat Corporation has introduced Rembrandt XTRA-Comfort™, a bleaching-gel formula that helps eliminate the sensitivity that can come with many professionally dispensed bleaching kits.

Pretipped syringes with measured, single-unit indicators and full-color, step-by-step patient instructions make it simple to bleach teeth several shades whiter in the privacy of the patient`s home. Rembrandt XTRA-Comfort™ is available in mint and tropical-fruit flavor.

The Rembrandt XTRA-Comfort™ kit also contains a one-oz. tube of Rembrandt Whitening Toothpaste, a one-oz. tube of Rembrandt Dazzling White Toothpaste, and two 6.25 ml bottles of alcohol-free Rembrandt Dazzling BreathDrops.

For more information, call Den Mat Corporation at (800) 548-3663 or visit the Den Mat Web site at

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