embrasure forms, and smoothness. Finishing and polishing procedures remove the air-inhibited layer, contour and shape the restoration, create surface characterization, and produce surfaces with a high gloss. Tight margins of the restoration should blend esthetically into the tooth's natural contours. Good embrasure forms and smooth surfaces are less likely to trap food debris and collect plaque. Where it comes in contact with gingival tissue, the polish should be smooth enough to be well tolerated. With what I have always called 3M's "sand paper discs," I have been able to reshape and contour most composite restorations by moving through the various grits of coarse to fine to end up with a fairly smooth restoration. At this point, to get rid of the fine scratches and get that highly polished finish on the material, I needed to move to other polishing agents. Now, with the advent of Sof-Lex Spiral Finishing and Polishing Wheels, I have found a new system to quickly and easily give my restorations that final high-gloss, natural-looking surface. These new dental finishing and polishing wheels are designed with flexible spiral "fingers" that adapt to anterior and posterior surfaces. The fingers of the dental finishing and polishing wheels conform to convex and concave surfaces as they move across the restoration, so there is no need to switch shapes during the procedure to fit various contours. Abrasive particles are embedded throughout the dental finishing and polishing wheels, so effective dental finishing and polishing can be achieved from any side--top, bottom, or edge. With just one shape, and with no water-cooling necessary (because of low heat generation), I can use dental finishing and polishing wheels from any angle and quickly achieve a lifelike luster. The single-use dental finishing and polishing wheels have a simple two-step system. I use the fine Sof-Lex Spiral Finishing Wheel (beige) to remove minor scratches and prepare the surface for high-gloss polishing. Then, the superfine Sof-Lex Spiral Polishing Wheel (white) can be used to complete the procedure. 3M has really simplified the system by designing these finishing and polishing spiral wheels to fit the same mandrel as the Sof-Lex discs so you can move efficiently through your contouring, finishing, and polishing procedures. I encourage you to try this remarkable new polishing system. It sure makes these procedures faster, better, and easier.
Visit www.3mespe.com/soflex for more information.
Ceraresin Bond Porcelain & Resin Repair System
from Shofu Dental.
Picture an emergency patient who has come into the office with a "broken tooth." Your assistant seats the patient, and the patient