bluephase®/Ivoclar VivadentClick here to enlarge imagebluephase® LED Curing Light from Ivoclar Vivadent — Yes, it is another cordless LED curing light! But this one has a lot of great features. The bluephase uses a state-of-the-art, lithium-ion battery that provides a power supply for 60 continuous minutes of operation without a decrease in performance. Even though it is battery-operated, the bluephase has a unique "click-and-cure" feature, which provides an optional AC power source that fits into the battery compartment in the handpiece — so you'll never be caught without power. The handpiece is lightweight and well-balanced and cradles nicely in your hand. The high power of bluephase generates light intensity of 1100 mW/cm2, ensuring fast, effective curing of light-cured materials. The bluephase has three easy-to-use programs to meet all clinical indications. A high-power setting gives you consistent intensity of 1100 mW/cm2 for fast polymerization of direct restoratives and cement through indirect restorations. Low power gives a lower intensity of 650 mW/cm2 for the curing of adhesives, liners, and restorative materials near the pulp. Soft start provides a gradual increase from 0 to 650 mW/cm2 in five seconds and then a maximum intensity of 1100 mW/cm2 for reduced shrinkage of restorative materials. Multiple pre-set cure times of 10, 20, 40, and 120 seconds, along with a cure memory that saves the last setting used, makes the bluephase a "smart curing light" for your practice. If you are looking for a LED curing light, this would be an excellent choice. Order from your dealer, or call (800) 533-6825 for more information.
Flexitime® VPS Impression Material from Heraeus Kulzer — Imagine yourself in this situation: You are placing the wash impression material, and the assistant is standing by with a tray full of impression material. She's waiting for you to finish, but you're not even close. Will the tray material set before you get it into the mouth? Not if you are using Flexitime. With this impression material, you can take as little as 30 seconds of working time for routine cases, or take a full two-and-a-half minutes for more complex cases. Flexitime conforms to the way you work. OK, so how does it know how much time you need? The secret is in the temperature. It has a unique Advanced ThermaSense® formulation that actually delays the set until the tray is fully seated in the patient's mouth. Whether your working time is long or short, Flexitime always sets fast when the try is fully seated in the mouth, taking just two minutes and 30 seconds from insertion to removal of the finished impression. Outstanding details and high-contrast material colors make reading the impression an easy step. Flexitime is a great new idea in impression material technology. Order from your dealer or call (800) 431-1785 for more information.