EndoMagic!™ endodontic files

May 1, 1998
The new EndoMagic!™ nickel-titanium rotary files form a simple 10-step endodontic-filing system. Familiar color-coding and standard sizing make it the easiest, most user-friendly system yet introduced. These files incorporate an innovative flute design that dramatically decreases the potential for breakage.

The new EndoMagic!™ nickel-titanium rotary files form a simple 10-step endodontic-filing system. Familiar color-coding and standard sizing make it the easiest, most user-friendly system yet introduced. These files incorporate an innovative flute design that dramatically decreases the potential for breakage.

The files remove debris coronally, rather than push debris through the apex, which all but eliminates post-operative discomfort for the patient.

The files are part of the KISS (Keep It Safe and Simple) System of endodontics developed by Drs. Kit Weathers and Patrick Wahl.

For more details, call (800) 215-4245 or e-mail [email protected].

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