Providing an invaluable tool for simplifying the many administrative tasks of orthodontic practices, OrthoExpert - said to be the leading software management system among orthodontists in France - is available now in a multilingual version for North American practitioners using a PC or a Macintosh. Developed by the French company InterSystèmes, the comprehensive OrthoExpert program greatly improves efficiency by automating a variety of daily functions, including appointment management, patient files, storage of images, financial-tracking, invoicing, and correspondence. It is available in both a multistation and single-station version.
A highly flexible program, OrthoExpert permits users to tailor parameters on all functions to their specific needs. Designed in close cooperation with practitioners, OrthoExpert can be upgraded as a user`s needs change.
For additional information, contact InterSystèmes at (011.33) 1 34 69 22 66 in France, or e-mail to [email protected].