Image courtesy of GC America

I have it—you want it! GC Tri Plaque ID Gel

Feb. 24, 2022
Dr. Howard Glazer reviews a promising new product or material to hit the dental industry. In this installment, learn more about GC Tri Plaque ID Gel from GC America.

Motivating a patient to be more diligent with their oral hygiene can often be a daunting task. However, if you can show them how the plaque is adhering to their teeth and illustrate how long it has been there, you have a better chance of convincing them. GC Tri Plaque ID Gel is just such a product, helping to educate and motivate patients who have not been diligent in flossing and brushing.

This gel will identify plaque that is fresh with a pink/red color, while a blue/purple color indicates plaque that has been present for 48 hours or longer, and a light blue color indicates high-risk plaque. The material is simply applied with a microbrush, cotton swab applicator, or you can have the patient apply with a toothbrush. Immediately thereafter, have the patient lightly rinse and inspect the dentition. The results will tell the tale and you and/or your hygienist will now have an easier task in explaining a good home-care regimen. GC may have just “colorfully unlocked” the secret to patients achieving better oral hygiene.

More "I have it—you want it!":

Editor's note: This article appeared in the February 2022 print edition of Dental Economics.

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