Image courtesy of Dentsply Sirona

I have it—you want it! Surefil one

March 1, 2022
Dr. Howard Glazer reviews a promising new product or material to hit the dental industry. In this installment, learn more about Surefil one Self-Adhesive Composite Hybrid from Dentsply Sirona.

Self-adhesive composite resins have become popular, and Dentsply Sirona’s Surefil one Self-Adhesive Composite Hybrid is a strong entry into this field. This composite has a unique proprietary technology that combines a resin composite with a glass ionomer. Their patented modified polyacid system (MOPOS) technology allows the molecules to be self-adhesive. This eliminates the need for separate etching and adhesive products and achieves a strong bond without sacrificing quality.

Another benefit of this product is that you do not have to be concerned with the depth of the restoration since it has dual-cure initiators. This allows you to fill to any depth and makes it safe and secure as a bulk-fill material, without the need for any other resin “cap” over the Surefil one restoration. Fluoride is released with this material and the restorations are quite lifelike since there are five available shades: A1, A2, A3, A3.5, and Bleach White. The material is supplied in capsule form that is easily activated on the countertop, then triturated for 10 seconds, and you have just under one minute of working time to apply and shape. You can immediately begin finishing and polishing once you have photocured the restoration. Surefil one is a very good resin-based material that makes for a simplified restoration with a minimal number of steps and products.

More "I have it—you want it!":

Editor's note: This article appeared in the February 2022 print edition of Dental Economics.

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