Bob Van Dyke, DDS
Green Bay, Wis.
I am a general dentist of 30 years. I have done my share of amalgams during that time. Three years ago, I made the most significant decision of my 30 years - I would no longer do any amalgams. Since that day, I have never had one patient want amalgam instead of the composite fill. Almost every amalgam I remove has decay or structural fractures of the tooth.
Dr. Steven is way off base, and I feel sorry for dentists who continue to have the "let`s-continue-to-do-it-the-old-way" mentality. I read his article with disbelief. I couldn`t believe that anyone could write such a "hide-your-head-in-the-sand" article in this modern age of dental techniques and materials.
I truly support the ideas expressed by Bill Dickerson. I know he could have written a book on all of the reasons not to do amalgams. There are a lot of them!
My associate and I were asked to be a referral office for an allergist to send his patients to when they want to find a dentist who won`t do amalgams. He said people do not want that stuff in their mouths, and he is finding more and more people requesting that their silver fillings be replaced. As a health-oriented physician, he also is concerned about the effects of mercury and metals in his patients` mouths.