Dentulu Hardware

2020 Cellerant Best of Class winner: Dentulu

Nov. 16, 2020
We spoke with the Dentulu team to learn more about the company and the philosophy behind its teledentistry platform.
Chris Salierno, DDS, Chief Dental Officer, Tend

Product name: Dentulu mobile dental app

Manufacturer: Dentulu

Category: Teledentistry

Why it’s a winner: Dentulu is a revolutionary teledentistry and mobile dentistry platform linking dental professionals and patients. Dentistry has existed for well over 100 years, but the way in which patients access care is always changing. It was once common practice for doctors to visit patients in their homes, and now with the advent of telemedicine, home visits are on the rise once more. The modern dentist will need to adapt and learn to use technology to care for their patients. Dentulu allows dentists to easily connect with patients and with each other, is HIPAA compliant, and affordable.

We spoke with the Dentulu team to learn more about the company and the philosophy behind its teledentistry platform. 

DE: What do you think helps Dentulu stand out in the field?

Dentulu: Dentulu is a company that was founded by dentists, open to investment and ownership by dentists, and whose primary objective is prioritizing benefits to our dentists over profits. Dentulu also differentiates itself as the only free teledentistry platform that was developed over several years with an in-house team of software engineers overseen by a team of dental experts.

DE: Tell us a bit about your R&D design process. What are the challenges of setting out to create something unique?

Dentulu: We are lucky to have an amazing team of dental advisors who have more than 100 years of combined clinical experience working directly with our in-house team of developers. We have spent well over $1 million in research and development, touching on all of the pain points we experienced as dentists long before COVID-19 changed our world. This is why our platform is so robust and much more than just a video conferencing software.

While we can’t perform root canals over teledentistry, we have found innovative solutions to everyday problems we all face, such as patient acquisition, medical clearances, electronic prescriptions, referrals, and clinical collaboration with our specialists.

DE: What’s next for Dentulu?

Dentulu: We will add more revenue sources for dentists beyond just mobile dentistry and teledentistry and will slowly introduce artificial intelligence and machine learning in the marketplace to help dental offices improve patient care, with the underlying principles of protecting and serving dentists as top priority.

By this time next year, Dentulu will hopefully expand globally and create an international link between dentists around the world on the Dentulu digital platform.

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