I am so excited about Question 2 on the ballot in my state, Massachusetts, this November that I wanted to raise awareness of it.
I met with Dr. Jill Tanzi, president of the Alliance of Independent Dentists, Massachusetts, to discuss what the question is and how it came about. She explained that it will require insurers to pay 83% of claim revenues for patient care, which is a groundbreaking initiative. Most insurance companies don't come close to that amount. She said the largest insurer, Delta Dental, pays about 60%.
A group of dentists and patients formed a committee, then did the legwork and raised the money, to get the required signatures. No dental bill has ever gained traction in Massachusetts so this is great news for the profession because we’ll hear from the public.
If the question passes, patients will see increased reimbursements for dental care, and dentists will see increased acceptance for treatments patients could not previously afford or chose not to pay for.
Visit fairdentalinsrance to learn how you can share this good news with your patients and encourage them to vote yes for Question 2.
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