Children's Dental Care of Savage, Minnesota

Want to show off your office?

July 11, 2022
Do you look forward to coming to work each day? Is part of it because of your beautiful space and latest equipment? Tell us about it here and send photos, then watch for your office in a slideshow on DE!

Who doesn’t enjoy admiring a well-appointed, up-to-date dental office? What does the reception area look like? Are the treatment rooms inviting? What equipment and technology does the team use? Does the breakroom encourage team members to relax? What special touches make your practice stand out above all the others? 

There are a lot of boxes to check when it comes to designing the perfect dental office. If you think your office is terrific and a cut above the others, think about sharing it with your peers. Everyone can admire your office, and maybe even use some of your ideas in their own offices. would love to create slideshows of inviting dental offices for readers to enjoy. Send photos of your beautiful spaces and answer these questions to tell us all about your home away from home. Then watch for your office to be featured!

Link to the form here.

Check out Dr. Sara Davidson's office here.

Related reading

Dental office design in a COVID world
Building an extraordinary office—a team effort
How large is an ideal operatory?

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