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Cervitec® Plus varnish system by Ivoclar Vivadent Inc.

May 25, 2017
Ivoclar Vivadent's Cervitec Plus varnish system is an easy-to-use product that can benefit a variety of patients. Read More...

By Colleen M. Olson, RDH, BBA

Ivoclar Vivadent's Cervitec Plus varnish system is an easy-to-use product that can benefit a variety of patients. We use Cervitec Plus in our office mostly for patients who are experiencing dentinal or cervical hypersensitivity, whether localized or generalized. With chlorhexidine and thymol, the varnish reduces bacterial activity in the mouth and can help to prevent demineralization and caries. This varnish system is also an excellent choice for patients who have xerostomia or trouble keeping the areas around their restorations clean. It can help protect restorations and difficult-to-reach areas around orthodontic brackets and bands.

Cervitec Plus is simple to apply precisely where it is needed. After the areas to be treated have been isolated and dried, the varnish is applied with the applicator brush and then dispersed with air and allowed to dry. The varnish dries clear, so there is no esthetic concern for patients who are heading into public when they leave the office. Unlike chlorhexidine mouth rinses, this varnish will not stain or discolor their teeth. Following professional application, patients should be instructed not to rinse, eat, or drink for one hour.

Available in single-dose and multi-dose units with Vivadent applicator brushes, Ivoclar's Cervitec Plus varnish is easy to apply, adheres well to tooth and restoration surfaces, and provides dentinal hypersensitivity relief and reduced bacterial load in the mouth. These factors make it a quality product to keep in your arsenal for those patients who may need help with bacteria control or hypersensitivity reduction.

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