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User-friendly cement dispenser

Jan. 1, 2001
Pearl 1 - The Fujicem Paste Pak from GC. This is the first resin-modified, glass ionomer luting cement available in a paste-to-paste delivery system. The unique "Paste Pak" dispenser is faster, better, and easier, be cause it eliminates the need for mixing powders and liquids that may or may not be in the proper ratios in every mix.

Joseph Blaes, DDS

Pearl 1 - The Fujicem Paste Pak from GC. This is the first resin-modified, glass ionomer luting cement available in a paste-to-paste delivery system. The unique "Paste Pak" dispenser is faster, better, and easier, be cause it eliminates the need for mixing powders and liquids that may or may not be in the proper ratios in every mix.

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With the dispenser, accurate dispensing and mixing can be completed very quickly and easily. The "Paste Pak" dispenser has a metering device that reduces waste by allowing the assistant to dispense the desired amount of cement for each procedure.

The cement has a 3-minute working time that makes it ideal for cementing quadrant dentistry or long-span bridges. I have always recommended using this type of cement when seating metal crowns and inlays, porcelain fused-to-metal, and indirect resin crowns and inlays.

The glass ionomer has a fluoride release that prevents recurrent decay. There is no sensitivity with Fujicem. There is no need for bonding agents either, since this cement is self-adhering to dentin and enamel.

Fuji Plus has always been a great cement and easy to use in the capsules, but GC now has made it so much more user-friendly. Great job, GC!

Order from your dealer. Call GC America at (800) 323-7063 for more information.

Pearl 2 - DMI Inkjet Paper from Kodak. At the ADA meeting in Chicago, Kodak firmly re-established the company as a major player in the image business - not just X-ray images, but all kinds of images that we need in our busy practices. Many of us get our paper from someplace like Sam's, Costco, or one of the new office discount stores. With the need for photographic-like paper to print digital camera images, I have been buying my inkjet paper at one of these sources as well. The problem is that you can't always get exactly what you want in the quantity and size you want it in.

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Kodak to the rescue! At the meeting, Kodak introduced DMI inkjet paper that can be bought from your dental supplier. You heard me right - the company you buy dental supplies from now sells inkjet paper. This inkjet paper will give you photo-like quality from your inkjet printer for brilliant digital photos and digital radiographs.

DMI inkjet paper is compatible with all inkjet printers, comes in multiple sizes, and is competitively priced to give you one of the best values. It comes in a 4" x 6" size that will bring down the cost of the prints that you give to your patients to 25 cents per image. That is a great cost saving over the intraoral camera printers! Look for Kodak DMI inkjet paper wherever you purchase dental supplies.

For more information, call (800) 933-8031 or visit Kodak's Web site at

Pearl 3 - The Seal-TightRegistered Disposable Air/Water Syringe Tip System by Kerr/Pinnacle. Over the years, I have written about a lot of syringe-tip systems simply because my clinical assistants always wanted more features. Each previous system was a compromise and needed some improvement. For the last four months, we have been using the Seal-TightRegistered system. These tips are the greatest.

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A key feature is that after the adapter is installed, there is no need to loosen and tighten the thumbnut for each tip placement. Simply push on the yellow auto-locking ring and remove the tip. Push a new tip into the adapter, and it's ready to use.

The inner yellow rubber seal acts like a new O-ring with each tip placement, ensuring dry air on demand. No more need to shoot the first blast of air on the patient napkin, the floor, or your pants to get rid of the water. This is the easiest tip on the market to remove and replace. My clinical assistants love the simplicity.

The next test we always have for a tip is whether or not you can retract the lip with it. Seal-TightRegistered passed with flying colors. You also can bend the tip to any angle necessary to get it where you want it.

You can quickly retrofit your existing air/water syringes. Some of the new syringes will not even require a retrofit. Best of all, the tips are economical! You can get all of these great, new features for close to what you are paying now. This is an excellent way to show your patients that you care about infection control.

For samples, fax your name and address to (952) 469-5482. For details, visit www.pinnacleprod or call (800) 878-3902.

Pearl 4 - Mirror Suction by Panadent Corporation. While wandering the aisles of the Greater New York Dental Meeting, I came across this great little product. With this instrument, you can do all the normal things you do with a mouth mirror - such as looking at the tooth, reflecting light, and retracting tongue and cheek - with a high-volume suction built right in. The end of the mirror handle fits to a lightweight hose that plugs right into the high-volume suction tip.

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With this new mirror, it is simple for one operator to keep teeth dry for sealants. Your hygienist can control the water spray from a prophy jet or from a piezo electric scaler.

To order, visit www.panadent. com or call (800) 368-9777.

Pearl 5 - Easy Tray by Kerr. At the Greater New York Show, I also ran into my good friend Dr. John Wagner (the inventor of the Easy Tray). I featured this as a Pearl years ago, and many of you became faithful users of the product.

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While I was visiting with John at the booth this year, two dentists came up and were amazed at all the things John could do with the product, including making temporaries. Neither one of these dentists had ever heard about Easy Tray, so I decided to feature it once again.

Use Easy Tray to make hard-plastic, custom trays for crown and bridge impressions or for denture impressions in any size or shape you want. This is an amazing material. If you are not using it, you need to try some. You will get incredibly accurate impressions, while using less impression material.

Order from your dealer. For details, visit or call (800) KERR-123.

Dr. Blaes has a general practice in the St. Louis area. He is known for his expertise in dental materials and techniques and his innovative systems designs. He writes and lectures on "How To Increase Productivity and Profitability." Dr. Blaes is a member of the American Academy of Dental Practice Administration. He may be reached at (573) 686-2388.

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