A month of travel

May 1, 2011
I am writing this column in early April from home. The last month has been a blur of travel and speaking. I returned from the Chicago Midwinter on a Sunday and left again on Tuesday for San Antonio and the American Academy of Dental Practice Administration (AADPA) meeting.

I am writing this column in early April from home. The last month has been a blur of travel and speaking. I returned from the Chicago Midwinter on a Sunday and left again on Tuesday for San Antonio and the American Academy of Dental Practice Administration (AADPA) meeting. This meeting is the best kept secret in dentistry. It is a small meeting with some of the best speakers whose names you would probably not recognize. It is always the first week of March and you should definitely try it next year. Go to http://www.aadpa.com for more information.

I returned from the AADPA on a Thursday and left the following Wednesday for the Pacific Dental Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia. I spoke for three days at this meeting – and it was a workout – but what a beautiful place for a dental meeting. The weather was a bit wet, but that is how they keep the place so green. I flew back to St. Louis on Sunday and was off to Las Vegas on Thursday, where I spoke to a great group of dentists from the Southern Nevada Dental Society. They were totally engaged in my lecture, asked lots of questions and sparked some really good discussions, which made it fun for the speaker. I also did some catching up with my good friend, Dr. Cal Evans, at lunch.

I arrived home on Saturday in time to rest up for the annual trip to Atlanta and the Hinman Dental Meeting. This is always a wonderful meeting and it is a treat to be able to speak there. I did a “New Products Hands- On Workshop” on Friday. It was sold out in the morning, with 54 dentists in the room with 18 different companies. In the afternoon, we had another 46 dentists with the same 18 companies. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the course, and they all stayed until the very end. On Saturday, I spoke to dentists about products to use in their practices, and in the afternoon, I spoke to dental assistants about how to be outstanding in their dental practices. Thanks to all my friends at the Hinman for treating me so well.

Next year, the Hinman Dental Society of Atlanta will present the 100th Thomas P. Hinman Dental Meeting. I am very honored to be invited as a featured clinician for this celebration of the 100th Hinman meeting. I am looking forward to many special happenings, and I will keep you posted during the year with great articles by some of the speakers who will present at the meeting. You will also find information on the many celebration specials during this meeting.

This month’s feature articles focus on implants in the general dental practice. You will find four great articles by some outstanding authors that will help you understand more about CBCT and the accuracy it will provide for the placement of implants. Learn more about 3-D dentistry and how it can impact the way you practice. Learn about how implants can make loose lower dentures suddenly become well-stabilized. My friend JoAn Majors will help you understand why this is an exciting time to start using implants as new solutions to old problems. She points out that everyone in your practice needs to get involved.

A new column starts this month. Called “Managing Your Web Presence,” it is written by Glenn Lombardi, the CEO of Officite. I am sure he will have some great ideas for you and some solutions you probably have not thought of. I know that I was very impressed with his answers to some of the problems that I was having with my website. Glenn will share some cool ideas with you, too.

Be sure to look for the continuing education opportunities in this issue and take advantage of the easy way to earn CE credits. The courses are excellent, easy to understand, and always on the latest issues in dentistry. If you can’t find the right CE course for you in this issue, be sure to go to http://www.IneedCE.com for information on the many topics that are available for learning and for CE.

Finally, thanks for all your kind words and prayers in response to my story about my daughter-in-law, Shawn Blaes. Your prayers and thoughts are deeply appreciated.

Joe Blaes, DDS, Editor – email: [email protected]

Toll-free phone number: (866) 274-4500

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