Pearls Quantum Dental Technologies The Canary System Photo 2

Pearls for your practice

April 1, 2013
While walking the exhibit hall floor at the Chicago Midwinter Meeting in February, I came across this caries detection system that finds carious lesions before conventional methods.

Joe Blaes, DDS

I know that many of you are interested in the clinical research on the products that you purchase. I urge you to join the Oral Cancer Foundation by visiting the foundation's website at The Oral Cancer Foundation is a national public service, nonprofit entity designed to reduce suffering and save lives through prevention, education, research, advocacy, and patient support activities. While some think oral cancer is rare, it is diagnosed in about 100 individuals each day in the U.S. alone. A person dies from oral cancer every hour of every day. This site will provide you with hundreds of pages of information about the rates of occurrence, risk factors that lead to oral cancer, signs and symptoms, treatments, current research, complications of treatment, nutrition, related clinical trials, and current oral cancer-related news. The foundation supports numerous oral cancer-related events each year such as free screening events and educational seminars around the country.

The Canary System

from Quantum Dental Technologies.

While walking the exhibit hall floor at the Chicago Midwinter Meeting in February, I came across this caries detection system that finds

carious lesions before conventional methods. This allows dental professionals to detect and monitor caries across the entire spectrum of the disease process. What I learned at their booth was that this system offers breakthrough technology for evidence-based detection, and monitoring of dental caries without the need for dental X-rays. I was told that this system uses "energy conversion technology," a combination of photothermal radiometry and luminescence technology to identify and measure tooth decay. This technology is directly linked to the status of the tooth's crystal structure and not bacterial porphyrins. According to Dr. Stephen Abrams, president and cofounder of QDT, "the Canary System is the only caries detection device linked to the crystal structure of the tooth instead of the presence of bacteria, and is the only device that can detect decay on all tooth surfaces, including interproximal areas and around the margins of restorations or fillings." It can detect caries as deep as 5 mm below the tooth surface and lesions as small as 50 microns in size on tooth surfaces. This includes interproximal regions, beneath dental sealants, around the margins of restorations, and beneath the intact margins of restorations. It can track the demineralization and remineralization of the tooth surface in response to various oral conditions and preventive products. The accompanying netbook preloaded with the Canary software (which comes with the Canary System) vividly shows any area of caries, and indicates how advanced the decay may be. The higher the Canary number, the more advanced the decay. I have not used this system in my practice since I just learned about it.

Please visit for more information.

VELscope Vx

from DenMat

Do you believe in early detection? The VELscope Vx is the latest-generation, fluorescence-based detection device from LED Dental. This is the first device that the FDA cleared to help detect lesions that might not be visible to the naked eye. In addition, it is the first FDA-cleared device to help determine the appropriate surgical margin. This device is cordless, portable, and rechargeable. The exam is easy, takes less than two minutes, and is nonthreatening to patients. The difference between early and late detection of oral cancer can be the difference between life and death. I watched my daughter-in-law die from cancer over a period of three years, and it is not pretty. Oral cancer is most often discovered in late stages, when the five-year survival rate is only about 30%. Many of these survivors have had disfiguring surgery. When discovered early, however, the survival rate leaps to about 82%. A two-minute VELscope Vx exam can turn a routine visit to your practice into a life-saving experience. The optional digital camera attachment system for the VELscope Vx enables you to quickly and easily take high-quality fluorescent and white light images as photo documentation for your records, and to facilitate communication with specialists to whom you might refer patients.

Go to to order and for more information.


from Akida Holdings LLC.

I've been using this NASA-developed product, which was designed to remove ethylene gas from the air aboard the Space Shuttle, in my office and home since July 2012. In later research, NASA engineers determined that AirocideDS also kills bacteria, viruses, odors, and even anthrax. Do you remember the video entitled, "If Saliva Were Red," that was made years ago? This video vividly shows the extent of the problem that dental offices face, and yet I don't think I've ever seen a dentist do anything about it. In a way, the profession is fortunate that the general public is largely unaware of the video. Imagine if people really knew about the amount of airborne pathogens and bioburden in our offices. Would it affect the frequency of repeat procedures? Would it impact a patient's view about a particular practice? Could it actually cost a dentist patients from fear that the dentist down the road was offering a simple, low-cost solution to this secret problem? Perhaps. This is why I was so taken aback by the prospects of this company that is new to the dental arena. The company claims its AirocideDS unit is virtually 100% effective in destroying volatile organic compounds, the bad stuff emitted by products you have around your office. This includes aerosol sprays, cleaning supplies, disinfectants, gluteraldehyde, gases such as nitrous oxide, building materials, paints and paint thinners, new carpeting, new office
syndrome, even air fresheners. The company also claims that AirocideDS eliminates pollen, dust mites, viruses, bacteria, and other biological pollutants. AirocideDS is FDA approved. For years I tried to eliminate dental odors, but the best I could do was use air fresheners or other items to mask the smell. In fact, the best thing I found was popcorn! After a few weeks, AirocideDS changed the office environment. I could smell the difference. My patients commented on this as well. They told the staff about the fresh smell, and they noted the place didn't "smell like a dental office." Even better, I know now that the air in my office is being cleared 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and provides a safer environment for patients and staff. I also believe it's good for business. I've been a dentist for years and never had any issues with airborne pathogens, but why take the chance? I deliver a superior dental experience, and my patients are aware of it. After see¬ing the AirocideDS in action at the office, I bought a unit and placed it in my bedroom at home. My wife, Sue, has asthma and her immune system is com¬promised, so she tends to pick up any bugs going around. After we used AirocideDS, she has colds less frequently, and her allergies are less bothersome. She has also experienced a reduction in use of her inhalers. As for me, I've seen a significant reduction in sick days and improvement in my general health. The bottom line is that we both feel better!

Call (636) 343-6808 for more information.

Monarch™ Surface Disinfectant and Monarch™ All-Purpose Wipes

from Air Techniques.

When it comes to infection control for your practice, reach for Monarch. The new Monarch line of infection-control products for
surfaces, instruments, skin and hands, and equipment is designed to exceed your expectations in terms of staff and patient safety, effectiveness, and efficiency. I think this is an extremely important new line of products, so I'm going to present one product at a time in my Pearls column. So what makes this line of products different than any similar line of similar products? Monarch Surface Disinfectant is a fast, safer-to-use, more-effective solution for complete disinfection of all hard surfaces. Everyone in the practice knows that surfaces in the dental operatory become contaminated with many types of bacteria, viruses, and fungi during patient care. Many disinfectants vary widely in the time it takes to kill or deactivate each of these types of microbes. Many use toxic or noxious chemicals that require the use of masks and eye protection. New Monarch Surface Disinfectant, with its innovative and proprietary chemistry, kills all types of microbes more quickly. It is safer for you to use, and is gentle on the skin with no noxious chemicals to inhale. It is also better for the environment. It has the fastest, clinically relevant kill times, and is an EPA-approved disinfectant to kill TB, nonenveloped viruses, bacteria, and fungi in 60 seconds or less. This surface disinfectant will penetrate biofilms to deactivate microbes. It is compatible with virtually all surfaces in the dental office, is noncorrosive, nonstaining, and dries without a residue. The Monarch All-Purpose Wipes are woven, cellulose towelettes that quickly absorb and remove spills and blood. The large 7-inch x 9-inch size of the wipes enables you to clean and disinfect more effectively and efficiently, so you're able to turn the operatory more quickly and be more productive. The unique packaging ensures fresh, moist, ready-to-use wipes. You simply add liquid to the wipes, ensuring a fresh, effective, ready-to-use product. To refill, simply add a new roll of wipes to the reusable canister to save waste. More than four million wipe canisters are discarded each year by dental practices. The refill disinfectant comes in an exclusive pouch packaging that saves storage space. Monarch provides stronger, more-effective microbial kills. It is safer for the dental team and provides a smarter, more cost-effective, more environmentally friendly solution.

Visit for more information.

To have Dr. Joe Blaes present his lecture, "Pearls For Your Practice®," for your study group or dental society, please call (866) 274-4500.

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