Management of Erythematous Oral Lesions

March 19, 2015
Conditions causing oral erythema vary in terms of etiology and complexity. Erythematous lesions may be the result of systemic as well as local disease or trauma. Oral conditions reflecting potential systemic disease may need to be co-managed with the patient's medical provider. Nonetheless, regardless of the potential cause of oral erythema, local intervention is an important component of the overall management of these oral problems. Dental intervention includes the provision of palliative home care instructions for the erythema, local or systemic pain management, periodontal surgery and the prescription of medication (e.g. topical analgesics, antibiotics, corticosteroids, antifungal drugs, or salivary substitutes). In the case of allergy, removing the offending agent may be recommended. This course focuses on the management of the oral erythematous conditions dental professionals are most likely to see in everyday practice.

A Peer-Reviewed Publication Written by Jeff Burgess, DDS, MSD


Conditions causing oral erythema vary in terms of etiology and complexity. Erythematous lesions may be the result of systemic as well as local disease or trauma. Oral conditions reflecting potential systemic disease may need to be co-managed with the patient's medical provider. Nonetheless, regardless of the potential cause of oral erythema, local intervention is an important component of the overall management of these oral problems. Dental intervention includes the provision of palliative home care instructions for the erythema, local or systemic pain management, periodontal surgery and the prescription of medication (e.g. topical analgesics, antibiotics, corticosteroids, antifungal drugs, or salivary substitutes). In the case of allergy, removing the offending agent may be recommended. This course focuses on the management of the oral erythematous conditions dental professionals are most likely to see in everyday practice.

Educational Objectives:

At the conclusion of this educational activity participants will be able to:

1. Describe interventions used to manage erythematous oral lesions.

2. Identify the appropriate medication for managing viral lesions causing erythema.

3. Implement treatment strategies for managing a variety of oral infections and conditions.

4. Identify interventions that constitute palliative home care.

To view this course in its entirety, please click here

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