Courtesy of Nobio
Infinix Restorative Products 3 Products

Pearls for Your Practice: Infinix Universal Composite by Nobio

Jan. 23, 2023
Learn about this resin composite material that gives durable results to high-caries-risk patients.

In a big-picture way, resin composite hasn't changed that much in the past 20 years. Yes, some characteristics such as the chameleon effect and “polishability” have improved, but by and large, resin composites have pretty much been the same for a long time. We go through the same steps. We have the same precautions and the same risks.

One of those risks, as we all know, is recurrent decay. In fact, recurrent decay is one of the most common reasons for restoration failure. Upward of 20% of the adult population is estimated to have recurrent decay somewhere in their mouth.1 Infinix by Nobio is a resin composite material that prevents this terrible process and gives durable results to high-caries-risk patients.

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Infinix is a light-cured universal composite with great handling and strength just like any other universal composite on the market. What sets Infinix apart is the addition of the Nobio QASi technology that is designed to reduce demineralization and recurrent decay. This technology incorporates QASi particles, which are quaternary ammonium cations covalently bonded to a silica core. This material serves as a filler in the composite, so it yields a nonleaching, long-term antibacterial effect on the area where Infinix is placed.

This QASi technology is effective against a broad spectrum of caries, inducing bacteria, and can prevent the demineralization that is vital for progression of carious lesions. Nobio data shows a reduction of demineralization by more than 50% and significant antibacterial activity in the area of restorations. This is excellent news for those patients with whom we’re always fighting recurrent decay. Like you, I have a few of those in my practice who are a constant challenge. Infinix sounds like a great option!

As far as its composite properties, Infinix holds up to other universal composites in the market. It is not a bulk cure material, so 2 mm increments should be used. It has a polymerization shrinkage of around 2.3%, which is good for a nonbulk fill material, and it is strong as well. With a flexural strength of 114 MPa and a compressive strength of 218 MPa, it is slightly less strong, but in the range of other industry standard materials. As far as shade choices go, Infinix comes in just two: A2 and A3.

Infinix is approved for use in class I, II, III, IV, and V. The lack of shade choices may restrict that a bit, but in high-caries-risk patients, esthetics is usually a secondary concern.

The idea of restorative materials that can be dynamic at the point of attack—the margin—is an exciting area of development for dentistry. We all want to place restorations that will be free of recurrent decay. For those high-caries-risk patients, Infinix by Nobio may be just the answer you are looking for.

Editor's note: This article appeared in the January 2023 print edition of Dental Economics magazine. Dentists in North America are eligible for a complimentary print subscription. Sign up here.   


1.    McGuire SM, Fox CH, Douglass CW, Tennstedt SL, Feldman HA. Beneath the surface of coronal caries: primary decay, recurrent decay, and failed restorations in a population-based survey of New England elders. J Public Health Dent. 1993;53(2):76-82. doi:10.1111/j.

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