Image courtesy of Bisco Inc.

I have it—you want it! FluoroCal

Aug. 27, 2021
In this bimonthly column, Dr. Howard Glazer reviews a promising new product or material to hit the dental industry. In this installment, learn more about FluoroCal fluoride varnish from Bisco.

It seems that when it comes to handling sensitivity and pulpal protection, Bisco has it covered. FluoroCal is a 5% sodium fluoride varnish with tricalcium phosphate that releases both calcium and fluoride. Research has shown that the combination of tricalcium phosphate with fluoride yields greater resistance to acid, and the high fluoride release induces fluorapatite, which helps to strengthen the enamel and further prevent sensitivity.

This is an ideal product for sealing and penetrating into exposed dentinal tubules, because it’s able to desensitize them and provide relief the patient. The material has a pleasant-tasting spearmint flavor (sweetened with xylitol) and penetrates and seals the tubule offering nearly immediate relief from hypersensitivity that lasts over 24 hours. FluoroCal is available in an easy-to-use, brush-on, unit-dosing format that when applied, blends in with the patient’s tooth color. Treating hypersensitivity is an important service we can provide for our patients, and Bisco’s FluoroCal is an excellent option.

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Editor's note: This article appeared in the August 2021 print edition of Dental Economics magazine.

Howard Glazer, DDS, FAGD, is a columnist for Dental Economics. He is a key opinion leader in dental products and maintains a general practice in Fort Lee, New Jersey. Dr. Glazer is a fellow and past president of the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD). He lectures frequently on the subjects of dental materials, cosmetic dentistry, forensic dentistry, and patient management.

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