Image courtesy of Strauss Diamond Instruments
2102 De Cgla P04

I have it—you want it! Occlusinator Sculpting Burs

Feb. 5, 2021
Occlusinator Sculpting Burs allow you to quickly and safely create natural-looking anatomy on the occlusal surface of all your posterior restorations. Learn more in this product review from Dr. Howard Glazer.

Demand from patients for posterior composites is on the rise, and resin manufacturers have been busy releasing new and/or improved posterior composite resin materials. These new materials on the whole are quite durable and highly esthetic. The beauty of these restorations lies in the details, which pertain not only to the composition and characteristics of the material, but to the esthetic effect created by the level of detail in the occlusal anatomy.

Occlusinator Sculpting Burs, developed by Patrick L. Roetzer, DDS, will allow you to quickly and safely create natural-looking anatomy on the occlusal surface of all your posterior restorations. These burs have been designed with a safe edge that allows for maximum control; you can’t overcarve due to a built-in limit stop. Simply drop and drag the acorn bur to create natural-looking pits and fissures. The five-bur kit comes with three acorn-shaped sculpting burs (50 micron diamonds), and two Christmas tree-shaped finishing burs (15 microns). I was amazed at how fast I could complete the occlusal anatomy and move on to finishing by simply placing the safe zone of the finishing bur on enamel inclines. The entire bur block is autoclavable and a must for posterior composite resin tray setups. 

Howard Glazer, DDS, FAGD, is a columnist for Dental Economics. He is a key opinion leader in dental products and maintains a general practice in Fort Lee, New Jersey. Dr. Glazer is a fellow and past president of the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD). He lectures frequently on the subjects of dental materials, cosmetic dentistry, forensic dentistry, and patient management.

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