MDA endorses CareCredit®

Feb. 1, 1999
The Michigan Dental Association has endorsed CareCredit®, the leading healthcare credit card in the country. The MDA joins several of the largest state dental associations in the country, including New York, Texas, California, Ohio, Florida, Maryland, and Alaska dental associations, in endorsing this patient-financing option. The program now is recommended by nearly 90 percent of dental associations that endorse such payment options.

The Michigan Dental Association has endorsed CareCredit®, the leading healthcare credit card in the country. The MDA joins several of the largest state dental associations in the country, including New York, Texas, California, Ohio, Florida, Maryland, and Alaska dental associations, in endorsing this patient-financing option. The program now is recommended by nearly 90 percent of dental associations that endorse such payment options.

By offering patients the added benefit of interest-free payments, CareCredit has become one of the most popular payment plans for financing health-care treatments. In many cases, CareCredit provides a solution for patients who forgo or scale back recommended or emergency treatment because they are unable to afford the costs.

CareCredit offers many other benefits to dentists, such as guaranteed payment to the practice within two business days, increased treatment acceptance, and increased profitability.

To learn more about how CareCredit can increase treatment acceptance, call (800) 300-3046, Ext. 519, or (714) 776-9000, Ext. 519.

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