Move from the 1890s!

Aug. 1, 1999
I`m writing to voice my support for Dr. Bill Dickerson in the "Great Amalgam Debate" and to all of the Bill Dickersons in dentistry today. Without them, dentistry still would be practiced in the Dark Ages. It is time to move on from the 1890s to the new millennium, whether we want to or not.

Michael D. Swick, DMD

Conneaut Lake, Pa.

I`m writing to voice my support for Dr. Bill Dickerson in the "Great Amalgam Debate" and to all of the Bill Dickersons in dentistry today. Without them, dentistry still would be practiced in the Dark Ages. It is time to move on from the 1890s to the new millennium, whether we want to or not.

Dentists, as a group, are very conservative and stubborn. They just will not come to terms with the fact that they simply don`t know what they don`t know. We use an antiquated frame of reference to analyze things with which we are presented. Expansive thinkers do not do that. Where would we be without visionaries like Albert Einstein or even Bill Gates? It`s time to look to the future and not analyze with information from the past.

Look to the ocean. Just because you can`t see any ships there doesn`t mean there are none. Try binoculars!

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