Not placing amalgams

Aug. 1, 1999
I add my support to Dr. Bill Dickerson`s position! After 30 years of general practice, I can testify to the damaging effects of amalgam restorations over a period of time. The greater coefficient of expansion of amalgam is a steadily increasing force, which surely will fracture the tooth eventually. This phenomenon, along with the widespread use of dycal-type cement bases turning into "cottage cheese," is most likely responsible for over three-quarters of the posterior crowns we place. Since I s

Barry H. Baum, DDS

Santa Rosa, Calif.

I add my support to Dr. Bill Dickerson`s position! After 30 years of general practice, I can testify to the damaging effects of amalgam restorations over a period of time. The greater coefficient of expansion of amalgam is a steadily increasing force, which surely will fracture the tooth eventually. This phenomenon, along with the widespread use of dycal-type cement bases turning into "cottage cheese," is most likely responsible for over three-quarters of the posterior crowns we place. Since I stopped placing amalgam three years ago, I have had no cuspal fractures in teeth restored with bonded composites.

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