The mailer timing was perfect.
Pediatric dentist targeting households with young children
• Mailing list: 5,000 closest households with children ages 4–8
• Mailing list radius: Up to 15 miles from practice
• Mailing schedule: 5,000 postcards mailed twice—June 27 and July 11, 2018—right before the back-to-school rush
• Result: 100 new patients and approximately $10,000 in immediate revenue
This practice usually mails 4,000 postcards every other week but paused that campaign for this one. This particular campaign does a lot right. It’s bright, has eye-catching design, and provides a unique offer. But it aces two marketing strategies in particular:
• Timing—A well-timed campaign hits at least 4–6 weeks before your targeted date or desired outcome. You should also hit prospective patients more than once in that lead-up time period.
• Targeting—This is one area that direct mail excels: in the reliability of the data. This practice was able to target not only households with children, but children of a specific age.