CD-ROM tutorial-training system

April 1, 1999
ACE Dental Software announces its new, CD-ROM tutorial-training system. This new training system has reduced support calls from new users by 80 to 90 percent. The CD-ROM contains 19 short movies, each explaining a different part of the program. Each movie shows and tells how to use the program and ranges from five to 10 minutes in viewing time. The total viewing time is approximately two hours. The movie can be paused, fast-forwarded, or reversed at any time.

ACE Dental Software announces its new, CD-ROM tutorial-training system. This new training system has reduced support calls from new users by 80 to 90 percent. The CD-ROM contains 19 short movies, each explaining a different part of the program. Each movie shows and tells how to use the program and ranges from five to 10 minutes in viewing time. The total viewing time is approximately two hours. The movie can be paused, fast-forwarded, or reversed at any time.

ACE Dental Software`s tabbed interface provides an intuitive system that is easy to learn and easy to use. The CD-ROM tutorial system accelerates the learning time. Within a matter of hours after installing the software, the entire dental staff can be trained on the system.

A fully functional demo version of the program can be downloaded from ACE Dental Software`s Web site at, or by calling (888) 667-4272.

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