Matt Bynum, DDS
The one thing we all need in life is motivation. It's what stimulates our brains, our bodies, and our hearts to drive farther than they ever have before. Last month, I spoke during a two-day motivational seminar with Rudy Ruddiger, Terry Bowden, Neal Jefferies, Omer Reed, and other incredibly dynamic people. How humbling would it be to follow one of these speakers?
I'll tell you.
While I listened in awe to their stories, I was filled with all sorts of emotions. (Emotion is powerful!) It ranged from sadness and empathy to excitement and exhilaration. I learned during these two days some things that reminded me why I love my job. I was so fired up with motivation that I hardly slept for the three days I was there. As I placed the final touches on my lecture the night before, I found new energy and vigor that I, too, wanted to give to those in attendance. I wanted to fill that room with the feelings and emotions I felt while listening to the other speakers. I wanted to make a difference, and if I couldn't touch every person in some fashion, I at least wanted to touch just one.
Practicing dentistry isn't easy. We dentists and team members must overcome so much when dealing with people. It's easy to get down on ourselves or others when things just aren't going our way. Maybe collections are down, that family of five that has been in your practice since you started has asked for a transfer of records, or maybe even a team member just informed you she is quitting. We all have been there in some form. Regardless of what the scenario is, you need to bounce back. You need a shot of motivation.
Call them words of wisdom, "pearls," or even soapbox material — I don't care. For the next year or so, I will take you on a journey of the senses. My goal each month is going to be getting you to think. I'm going to stand here on my proverbial soapbox and stimulate your brain with emotions ranging from humor and frustration to even occasional anger. My intention is not to create ill will with anyone. It is to get you to do something you have never done before. My intention is to alter your current course of action and reaction. My intention is to get you fired up.
At 3:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 17, I finished my lecture and walked off the stage. Amidst the clapping, smiles, and even some tears, I knew that I, too, had motivated those people in attendance just as those who I consider "heroes" had before me. Even if I were dead wrong and all the noise I heard was artificial, I had accomplished my goal. You see, I walked off that stage glowing with pride and loaded with enthusiasm. That one person I had touched was myself!
I look forward to the months ahead and hope I get to impact some of you the way so many others have impacted me. Welcome to "The Soapbox."
Dr. Matt Bynum lectures internationally on various aspects of aesthetic and reconstructive dentistry, practice management, personal and practice motivation, and team building, and has published numerous articles on these subjects. He is a clinical instructor and featured speaker at the Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies and is currently co-director and co-founder of the "Achieving Extreme Success" lecture series. Dr. Bynum maintains a full-time private practice in Simpsonville, S.C., emphasizing aesthetic and restorative dentistry.