Health-reform legislation, now making its way through Congress, is stalled over Medical Savings

Aug. 1, 1996
Health-reform legislation, now making its way through Congress, is stalled over Medical Savings Accounts. Although the reform legislation passed the House and Senate, it is bogged down in a debate over whether to allow consumers to set up their own savings accounts and use tax-free dollars to pay for medical bills, including dental costs. The legislation would allow consumers to carry their insurance from one job to the next, without fear of losing coverage or being denied new coverage because o

Health-reform legislation, now making its way through Congress, is stalled over Medical Savings Accounts. Although the reform legislation passed the House and Senate, it is bogged down in a debate over whether to allow consumers to set up their own savings accounts and use tax-free dollars to pay for medical bills, including dental costs. The legislation would allow consumers to carry their insurance from one job to the next, without fear of losing coverage or being denied new coverage because of pre-existing conditions. The legislation is supported by both Democrats and Republicans.

Judi Hasson

Washington Correspondent

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