Office-management software updated

April 1, 1997
Advanced Applications (AAI), producers of Windent, are offering the newest version of their popular Windows 95-based, office-management software. Windent 97 has been dentist-tested in dental offices of all types, and it works with all Windows operating systems. It includes new, custom features, such as patient images, X-rays and camera images. AAI provides unparalleled telephone-support service for all its affordable and easy-to-use Windent products. Single- and multi-user systems are available.

Advanced Applications (AAI), producers of Windent, are offering the newest version of their popular Windows 95-based, office-management software. Windent 97 has been dentist-tested in dental offices of all types, and it works with all Windows operating systems. It includes new, custom features, such as patient images, X-rays and camera images. AAI provides unparalleled telephone-support service for all its affordable and easy-to-use Windent products. Single- and multi-user systems are available. For a free demo disk and brochures, inquire at 888-Windent or AAI

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