High Tech in Action

Sept. 1, 1997
Keeping tabs on high tech developments is a full-time job. This new monthly feature will help you learn about the best ways to incorporate technology into your practice. It will offer practical tips and news about technology products that are proven in dental practices throughout the country.

Steven M. Seltzer, MBA

Keeping tabs on high tech developments is a full-time job. This new monthly feature will help you learn about the best ways to incorporate technology into your practice. It will offer practical tips and news about technology products that are proven in dental practices throughout the country.

Employee Review Software-Performance Now!

Structure a meaningful employee review and print a multi-page review document by using this simple $99 software package. For each of the performance elements you select, such as quality and quantity of work, cooperation, dependability, initiative, and judgment.

You rate the employee from 1 (low) to 5 (high) by clicking on a button next to the desired performance element. Text for the review document is automatically generated that coincides with how you rated the employee for that performance element. The text is fully editable and expandable using the built-in word processor. If you are familiar with another word processor, you can copy the text into your own word processor.

The completed review document is typically two or three pages of concise, helpful information that describes the employee`s performance. There are places at the bottom of the review document for employee comments, reviewer comments, and a plan for improvement.

The best source for this incredible $99 software is Knowledge Point Software in Petaluma, CA. 800-727-1133.

Kodak Photo-CD digitizes 35mm slide images.

If you are ready to dive into the world of digital images but don`t know where to begin, have a few of your existing 35mm slides scanned onto a Kodak Photo-CD for $.90 each (plus $15 for the CD itself which stores up to 100 slides). You will need a CD-ROM reader in your computer that reads the Kodak Photo-CD format. The images you digitize can be inserted into word processor documents for creating highly visual treatment proposals.

You can also incorporate them into computerized case presentations presented as slide shows to your patients using Microsoft PowerPoint or other popular presentation software. Patients respond very favorably to visual images whether you display them on your computer screen, print them in black and white on a laser printer, or print them on a color printer.

Once you begin using your own visual images to educate patients and present treatment you will never go back to less effective, low tech methods. You will be prepared to explore digital cameras, digitizing images from your intraoral camera, and other exciting ways to communicate more effectively with patients. Next month you will learn about how to digitize intraoral video camera images for less than $200 using the Windows-based PC and laser printer you already have in the office.

Seltzer is the president of Seltzer Institute and publisher of DDRT: Dentists Desktop Reference to Technology. The Seltzer Institute offers technomarketing consulting services. Steve can be contacted at 800-229-8967, Email: [email protected], Internet: www.hitecdentist.com.

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