Th 304578

2009 Tax Calendar

Dec. 1, 2008
Welcome to the 2009 Tax Calendar, a handy reference guide for tax deadlines and action dates throughout the year.
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by Gene Dongieux, CIO, Mercer Advisors

Welcome to the 2009 Tax Calendar, a handy reference guide for tax deadlines and action dates throughout the year. Each calendar quarter is on a separate chart so that you can easily post it in your office.

This information should not be construed as tax advice. Please consult with your dental CPA to see if an alternate filing schedule may be more appropriate for your particular situation.

This calendar does not address the payment of 941 taxes. If you are a monthly filer, taxes are due by the 15th of the month following the withholding. If you are a semiweekly depositor, deposits are due by the following Wednesday if payday was Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. Deposits are due by the following Friday for paydays on Saturday, Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday. If your liability ever exceeds $100,000, payment is due the next banking day. Click here to view Tax Calendar.

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