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Ultrasonic insert/tip wear survey for dentists: We want to hear from you!

Feb. 24, 2022
Please take a few minutes to participate in our latest survey about ultrasonic inserts and tip wear. Your input will help contribute to future informative articles.

Dentist Survey for Ultrasonic Insert/Tip Replacement

Many patients delayed preventive maintenance appointments during the early days of the pandemic. Dental professionals now need to possess superpowers for instrumentation effectiveness as these patients return for care. Those superpowers include having hand instruments and powered ultrasonic equipment that work as hard as the clinician.

Dental Economics' sister publication, RDH magazine, has published numerous articles about instrument sharpening, most recently in 2018 and 2019. The prepublication survey results were very valuable for the authors to write about instrument sharpening behaviors.

Your valued opinions matter! We'd love your input in a survey for dentists about replacement of worn ultrasonic inserts/tips. There are several articles planned related to wear, measurement, and performance of ultrasonic inserts/tips.

What is happening in your practice? No names will be revealed. We want candid feedback, so please take a few minutes to give us your opinions. 

Simply use this link to take the survey: Dentist Survey for Ultrasonic Insert/Tip ReplacementThank you in advance. 

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