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Grow production by 18% with the right scheduling system

March 21, 2023
Your dental scheduling system can make or break your practice. Set the goal to find the best scheduling system for your office and reap the rewards.

Each year, Levin Group encourages practices to set 10 goals. This should include three large goals, three medium goals, three small goals, and one big, hairy, audacious goal (BHAG), a term coined in the 1980s and used to describe a super challenging goal. Your BHAG goal should be worthwhile and, if achieved, should significantly improve practice performance. 

One of the goals we always recommend is a production goal. Almost any practice can increase production by 18% if they take the right steps, and the first right step is to replace practice systems. Systems are the DNA of the dental practice. They determine the level of production, profit, income, and overall practice performance.  

Helpful ideas from Roger Levin: 5 ways to increase dental hygiene production
4 ways to combat economic impacts to your practice

Perhaps this is the year that you should implement new systems that are proven and documented step-by-step. Knowing the steps allows the team to understand exactly what to do, the steps in which they should do it, and how to “wow” every patient every day. Ultimately, great systems improve and increase efficiency, production, patient satisfaction, customer service, referrals, case acceptance, and positive reviews. 

We recommend practices begin to meet their goal with their scheduling system, the command-and-control system that affects all other systems. If you get the schedule right, all other systems benefit. However, if you get all other systems right and not the schedule, then everything operates at a lower performance.

Scheduling is a mathematical analysis where you look at annual production goals, daily production goals, power cell scheduling, and blocking of the schedule. If you save just 10 minutes an hour in a four-day workweek, you’ll have two months a year of increased doctor production time. This equals six extra years of doctor production time in a 36-year career. That’s a big win! 

Why not make this the time that you upgrade your systems, eliminate old habits, maximize efficiency, and decrease stress? Dentistry should be rewarding. You help people and change lives every day. By having the best systems, you can enjoy the benefits of creating a phenomenally successful and enjoyable practice.

This article originally appeared in DE Weekend, the newsletter that willelevate your Sunday mornings with practical and innovative practice management and clinical content from experts across the field.Subscribe here.

About the Author

Roger P. Levin, DDS, CEO and founder of Levin Group

Roger P. Levin, DDS, CEO and founder of Levin Group, has worked with more than 30,000 practices to increase production. A recognized expert on dental practice management and marketing, he has written 67 books and more than 4,000 articles, and regularly presents seminars in the US and around the world. To contact Dr. Levin or to join the 40,000 dental professionals who receive his Practice Production Tip of the Day, visit levingroup.com or email [email protected].

Updated January 23, 2024

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