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Dental Economics presents: The Profit Summit

Feb. 17, 2020
Dr. Chris Salierno, chief editor of Dental Economics, says it's time to bring your burning questions to the Principles of Practice Management conference, The Profit Summit, this June in Las Vegas.
Chris Salierno, DDS, Chief Dental Officer, Tend

Let’s make this new decade the time that you tightened up your business.

For the past four years, our Principles of Practice Management (PPM) conference has brought thought leaders from the pages of Dental Economics to meet you in person. Dentists who were just about to become owners, dentists in their prime growth years, and dentists looking to transition into retirement were all given the personal attention they needed. They came, they learned, they conquered. 

Now in its fifth year, PPM is evolving. Moving forward we will focus each conference on a single principle of practice management. This will allow you to cover each core business discipline thoroughly and completely, leaving no question unanswered. For our inaugural theme, I can think of no better subject than profit. We’re calling it The Profit Summit.

On June 25 and 26, 2020, at the Park MGM hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada, we’re bringing curious dentists from around the world together to learn how to be more financially responsible. The Profit Summit will be a comprehensive look at your cash: how to produce more, collect more, keep more, and grow more. We’re calling in the experts in dental cash flow to teach you everything they know.
Allen Schiff, CFE, CPA, will help you uncover your overhead and master your profit and loss statement. I’ll teach about the hidden costs of your procedures, and you’ll learn whether you can afford to participate in PPO panels. Roger Levin, DDS, will build profitability strategies to overcome the economic forces that challenge us all. Joshua Austin, DDS, will show you systems that will boost your new patient flow. He’ll also highlight technology that will help you stand out from the crowd. Rob Ziliak, CFP, and Thomas Bodin, CFA, CFP, will show you the science behind soundly investing the cash you’ve generated. 
We’re also hosting two interactive expert panels. The PPO Roundtable will accelerate your mastering of the dental insurance game, and the Cash Flow Roundtable will reveal the best systems for accounts receivable and patient financing. The roundtable format has been one of the most highly rated sessions we’ve given over the past few years. Bring your burning questions. Now is the time to figure this out.

You’re running a business. Every legitimate business wants to treat its customers fairly, but as health-care professionals we are governed by higher powers and by a deeper sense of responsibility (see my Editor’s Note this month). We don’t have customers; we treat patients, and we will always put our patients first. But the only way I know how to take the best care of our patients is to have a healthy, profitable business that can support their needs. So, let’s do more for our patients. Let’s do more for the incredible teams that serve with us. Let’s do more for ourselves and our families. Let’s make our practices waste less and produce more.

Learn more at the DE Principles of Practice Management Conference.

About the Author

Chris Salierno, DDS | Chief Dental Officer, Tend

Chris Salierno, DDS, is a general dentist from Long Island, New York. He graduated from Stony Brook School of Dental Medicine in 2005. Dr. Salierno lectures internationally on clinical dentistry, practice management, and leadership development. In 2017 he became a chief development officer with the Cellerant Consulting Group, and he was the chief editor of Dental Economics from 2014 to 2021. In 2021, he became the chief dental officer at Tend. He can be reached on Instagram @the_curious_dentist.

Updated May 13, 2022

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