Polar Bear™ pinpoints exact spot more flex is needed

March 1, 1999
The new Polar Bear™ from Masel is a lightweight, compact, pencil-like product that, when filled with water and placed in a freezer, works like a "magic wand" to soften any segment of a thermal nickel-titanium wire. This is an ideal condition when the clinician needs to tie in a difficult arch.

The new Polar Bear™ from Masel is a lightweight, compact, pencil-like product that, when filled with water and placed in a freezer, works like a "magic wand" to soften any segment of a thermal nickel-titanium wire. This is an ideal condition when the clinician needs to tie in a difficult arch.

The tip of the Polar Bear™ has a strategically placed groove that will fit all sizes and types of thermal wires in both posterior and anterior regions.

Since you can pinpoint the exact part of the wire to soften with Polar Bear™, it is more practical than using an aerosol chill spray or completely refrigerating the entire wire before ligating.

All products are 100-percent guaranteed. Catalogs are available in English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Japanese. To place an order or request more information, call Masel at (800) 423-8227 or visit Masel`s Web site at www.masel.net.

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