Biological indicator for sterilization monitoring

March 1, 1999
SPSmedical Supply Corporation offers The SporView® Self-Contained BI. This is an in-office BI system, certified for use with saturated steam or EO gas-sterilization processes. After processing in a normal load, the user activates the media vial, then incubates at 56°C (steam) or 37°C (EO gas) for 48 hours. A color change in the media of a processed BI indicates sterilizer failure.

SPSmedical Supply Corporation offers The SporView® Self-Contained BI. This is an in-office BI system, certified for use with saturated steam or EO gas-sterilization processes. After processing in a normal load, the user activates the media vial, then incubates at 56°C (steam) or 37°C (EO gas) for 48 hours. A color change in the media of a processed BI indicates sterilizer failure.

For additional information, contact SPSmedical Supply Corp. at (800) 722-1529.

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