The Oold? way?

Sept. 1, 1999
Regarding Dr. Van Dyke?s remarks (July 1999) about amalgam, if all amalgams have decay, doing it the Oold way,O what was the old way? How were the preps designed? How was the alloy placed ... under rubber dam or in a moist atmosphere? Were they polished?

Regarding Dr. Van Dyke?s remarks (July 1999) about amalgam, if all amalgams have decay, doing it the Oold way,O what was the old way? How were the preps designed? How was the alloy placed ... under rubber dam or in a moist atmosphere? Were they polished?

By all means, if you can?t do them right, don?t do them. And, by the way, we have a lot of health-oriented physicians around here, too, but none that I know of have exhausted the study of mercury and metals. I wonder if the Green Bay physicians have.

David L. Wolf

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

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