Tying it All Together: Diagnosis, Implications, and Treatment of Tethered Oral Tissues

Oct. 26, 2016

A Peer-Reviewed Publication Written by Lori Cockley, DDS, FAGD


While most dental clinicians are familiar with the term ankyloglossia and perhaps as familiar with the lay term tongue-tie, few are aware of the vast implications that these restrictions may create. This article will attempt to define and provide a clear understanding of this congenital condition as it relates to ideal tongue function, as well as offer ways to best assess and treat in a safe, predictable manner.

Educational Objectives

After reading this article, the reader should be able to:

1. Define Tethered Oral Tissue and understand the anatomy and prevalence of this issue.

2. Be able to identify the characteristics of this condition.

3. Have the ability to diagnose and classify the various types of tethered oral tissue.

4. Know the methods for treating this condition including post-operative care.

To view this entire course, click here.

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