Relief for hypersensitivity

March 1, 1998
Now dentists and dental hygienists can deliver ultra-fast relief to patients with hypersensitivity with Zarosen®, a product of Cetylite Industries.

Now dentists and dental hygienists can deliver ultra-fast relief to patients with hypersensitivity with Zarosen®, a product of Cetylite Industries.

Zarosen® controls sensitivity to promote lasting patient comfort through its proven desensitizing agent, Strontium Chloride.

Application of Zarosen® is a simple, one-step procedure that requires no mixing or curing and requires no solvent. It is easily applied with a cotton pledget or brush.

For information on the many ways Zarosen® can be used, and a complete catalog of other specialized products for the dental professional, write Cetylite Industries, 9051 River Road, Pennsauken, NJ 08110 or call (800) 257-7740.

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