2009 De Cadv M01

Dental Economics Advisory Board: Erinne Kennedy, DMD

Sept. 1, 2020
Together with our publishing team, board members work to improve DE and make it an essential resource for dentists and the dental industry.

Featured member: 

Erinne Kennedy, DMD, MPH, MMSc 

Social media:

Facebook: @erinnekennedydmd 

Instagram: @erinnekennedy 

LinkedIn: @erinnekennedydmd

Website: erinnekennedydmd.com 

What product are you excited about right now and why? 

Right now, in the midst of allergy season and a global pandemic, I am obsessed with Xlear xylitol nasal spray. Not only does maintaining the commensal microbiome in your sinuses help keep you healthy and breathing well, it ultimately helps maintain your oral microbiome.  

Sponsored Recommendations

Clinical Study: OraCare Reduced Probing Depths 4450% Better than Brushing Alone

Good oral hygiene is essential to preserving gum health. In this study the improvements seen were statistically superior at reducing pocket depth than brushing alone (control ...

Clincial Study: OraCare Proven to Improve Gingival Health by 604% in just a 6 Week Period

A new clinical study reveals how OraCare showed improvement in the whole mouth as bleeding, plaque reduction, interproximal sites, and probing depths were all evaluated. All areas...

Chlorine Dioxide Efficacy Against Pathogens and How it Compares to Chlorhexidine

Explore our library of studies to learn about the historical application of chlorine dioxide, efficacy against pathogens, how it compares to chlorhexidine and more.

Enhancing Your Practice Growth with Chairside Milling

When practice growth and predictability matter...Get more output with less input discover chairside milling.