CD demo mailed to over 100,000 dentists

March 1, 1999
Dentsply SoftDent recently mailed more than 100,000 CDs to dentists in an attempt to show how the SoftDent dental practice-management system can change the way a dental office currently runs.

Dentsply SoftDent recently mailed more than 100,000 CDs to dentists in an attempt to show how the SoftDent dental practice-management system can change the way a dental office currently runs.

Highlights of the CD ROM demo include streamlining front-office check-in/check-out procedures, new time-saving features such as e-mailing a chart, family scheduling, and integration into Excel spreadsheets. Also featured is the SoftDent companion, SoftChart, designed for use in the operatory. New features such as end-of-day, clinical note-posting, improved presentation manager, and the new Tooth Watch system have been added to enhance the SoftChart program even more.

To find out more about the first and only dental practice-management system authorized by Microsoft to fly the Win 95/98/NT flag, or to receive a free copy of the CD demo, contact SoftDent at (800) 433-2409.

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