Kulzer, Inc

South Bend, IN 46614


About Kulzer, Inc


4315 S. Lafayette Blvd.
South Bend, IN 46614
(800) 522-1545

More Info on Kulzer, Inc

   Kulzer GmbH is one of the world’s leading dental companies with its headquarters in Hanau, Germany. As a trusted partner, the company supplies dentists and dental technicians with an extensive product range, covering cosmetic dentistry, tooth preservation, prosthetics, periodontology and digital dentistry. More than 1,500 employees at 26 locations worldwide are driven by their expertise and passion for the dental market and embody what the name Kulzer stands for: service, quality and innovation.Kulzer has been part of the Japanese Mitsui Chemicals Group since July 2013. Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. (MCI) is based in Tokyo, and has 137 affiliates with more than 14,300 employees in 27 countries worldwide. Its innovative, practical chemical products are as much in demand in the automotive, electronics and packaging industries as they are in other fields such as environmental protection and healthcare.    

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