A solid educational program, a central location at a first-class facility and access to industry leaders are just a few of the reasons practices choose to attend certain conferences throughout the year. However, let’s not forget another key aspect of the conference experience: Networking, a.k.a. socializing. At the Global Oral Health Summit—hosted by Carestream Dental Nov. 9-11, 2018, just outside Dallas, Texas—networking opportunities and social events are woven throughout the fabric of the event, so meeting new people while having fun is easy.
From lunches to lip sync battles, networking at the Summit can be as business-like or as casual as you make it. No matter how you feel comfortable interacting in a conference setting, the Summit makes it easy to meet referrals, share software tips and exchange ideas about the industry. Be sure to take advantage of early registration discounts for the Summit before June 29 and register today!