Safety mount grips all four sides of monitor

May 1, 1999
D&S Video Warehouse announces the distribution of a new monitor mount designed for the dental market. The mount, called the Quadra, features unique "sure grip" panels that grip all four sides of the monitor. The mounting system is so safe that it does not require any straps or screws to secure the monitor in place. The Quadra`s attractive-looking, low-profile frame is made from high-strength, powder-coated aluminum. These light-weight mounts are available in both ceiling and wall-mount configura

D&S Video Warehouse announces the distribution of a new monitor mount designed for the dental market. The mount, called the Quadra, features unique "sure grip" panels that grip all four sides of the monitor. The mounting system is so safe that it does not require any straps or screws to secure the monitor in place. The Quadra`s attractive-looking, low-profile frame is made from high-strength, powder-coated aluminum. These light-weight mounts are available in both ceiling and wall-mount configurations. Once installed, the fully adjustable Quadra mounts provide optimum viewing angles by rotating 360°, and offering an incredible 40° of downward tilt.

The Quadra ships fully assembled to save installation time and to prevent missing parts.

For further information on this or other mounts, call D&S Video Warehouse at (916) 852-SAVE or visit D&S`s Web site at

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