COMFIT EasyBreathe™ face masks

May 1, 1999
A new, technologically advanced face mask that features enhanced breathability without sacrificing safety has been introduced by Sultan Chemists, Inc. Made from soft, breathable fabric, the COMFIT EasyBreathe™ mask dramatically exceeds industry standards for filtration while providing cool, easy-breathing comfort.

A new, technologically advanced face mask that features enhanced breathability without sacrificing safety has been introduced by Sultan Chemists, Inc. Made from soft, breathable fabric, the COMFIT EasyBreathe™ mask dramatically exceeds industry standards for filtration while providing cool, easy-breathing comfort.

COMFIT EasyBreathe™ masks feature latex-free construction with expanded facial pockets and soft inner facings for unsurpassed comfort, performance, and safety. EasyBreathe™ masks are available in both earloop and tie-on designs.

For further information on the full line of COMFIT masks, call your dental dealer or contact Sultan Chemists, 85 West Forest Avenue, Englewood, NJ 07631; call (800) 637-8582 or (201) 871-1232. Visit Sultan`s Web site at

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