LiquiGel tongue-cleanser

May 1, 1999
Enfresh offers a unique LiquiGel tongue-cleanser containing chlorine dioxide, the most effective antibacteria agent available. Enfresh LiquiGel actually treats the source of halitosis and eliminates the problem, without using harsh soaps, abrasives, or fluoride ... and is alcohol and sugar-free! Enfresh actually works to neutralize VSCs (volatile sulfur compounds that cause bad breath).

Enfresh offers a unique LiquiGel tongue-cleanser containing chlorine dioxide, the most effective antibacteria agent available. Enfresh LiquiGel actually treats the source of halitosis and eliminates the problem, without using harsh soaps, abrasives, or fluoride ... and is alcohol and sugar-free! Enfresh actually works to neutralize VSCs (volatile sulfur compounds that cause bad breath).

Enfresh LiquiGel is designed for initial in-office treatment - as well as continued long-term care by the patient in his/her own home. Enfresh LiquiGel, used in conjunction with the Enfresh Tongue Brush and Mouthrinse, offers a comprehensive solution for bad breath that tastes good and makes your patients feel good.

For more information, call Enfresh Products, LLC at (877) Enfresh, or visit the company`s Web site at

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