Brush kits make economical sense

Oct. 1, 1999
DELTON, one of the market leaders in pit and fissure sealants, announces two new addition to the DELTON product lines: DELTON Brush Stixx and DELTON Brush Kit. The Brush Stixx (a bendable, disposable applicator brush) is ideal for placement of small amounts of material in limited-access areas of the mouth. The Brush Stixx kit includes 200 Brush Stixxs in two different colors. The second kit, the Delton Brush Kit, includes one autoclavable brush handle and 200 disposable, bristle-brush tips. The

DELTON, one of the market leaders in pit and fissure sealants, announces two new addition to the DELTON product lines: DELTON Brush Stixx and DELTON Brush Kit. The Brush Stixx (a bendable, disposable applicator brush) is ideal for placement of small amounts of material in limited-access areas of the mouth. The Brush Stixx kit includes 200 Brush Stixxs in two different colors. The second kit, the Delton Brush Kit, includes one autoclavable brush handle and 200 disposable, bristle-brush tips. The tips can snap into both ends of the brush handle. Both kits are ideal for placement of sealants, etchants, adhesives, bonding agents, resins, cavity-lining, eugenol, as well as other materials.

The DELTON pit and fissure sealant family includes a choice of formulations, shades, and applicators. DELTON® Plus is a filled resin with two sources of releasable fluoride that utilize the direct-delivery system. DELTON is available in "light" and "self cure" options as well as with the direct-delivery system and traditional applicator.

For more information about the new Brush Kit, contact your local DENTSPLY Preventive Care distributor or call Preventive Care Customer Service at (800) 989-8826.

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